For on-prem images, we recommend using the NoCloud data source: On-prem images also support the AltCloud, ConfigDrive, and OVF cloud-init data sources. More information on datasources at: The seed image for NoCloud can be generated by writing two YAML files, meta-data and user-data, and making them part of an ISO image. This ISO needs to be attached to the virtual machine on first boot. More information on generating the seed ISO is at: -----BEGIN meta-data SAMPLE------ local-hostname: amazonlinux.onprem # eth0 is the default network interface enabled in the image. You can # configure static network settings with an entry like below. network-interfaces: | iface eth0 inet static address network netmask broadcast gateway -----END meta-data SAMPLE------ -----BEGIN user-data SAMPLE------ #cloud-config # vim:syntax=yaml users: # A user by the name ec2-user is created in the image by default. - default # The following entry creates user1 and assigns a plain text password. # Please note Security best practises recommend not using plain text password. - name: user1 gecos: test user1 with plain passwd configured and sudo nopasswd enabled groups: sudo sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'] plain_text_passwd: < plain text password here > lock_passwd: false # The following entry creates user2 and attaches a hashed password to the user. # Hashed passwords can be generated with the following command on Amazon Linux 2: # python -c 'import crypt,getpass; print crypt.crypt(getpass.getpass())' - name: user2 gecos: test user2 with hashed passwd configured passwd: < hashed password here > lock_passwd: false # The following entry creates user3, disables password-based login and enables an SSH public key. - name: user3 gecos: test user3 with SSH key configured ssh-authorized-keys: - ssh-public-key-information lock_passwd: true chpasswd: list: | ec2-user: # In the above line, do not add any spaces after 'ec2-user:'. # NOTE: Cloud-init applies network settings on every boot by default. To retain network settings from first boot, uncomment the following ‘write_files’ section: #write_files: # - path: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/80_disable_network_after_firstboot.cfg # content: | # # Disable network configuration after first boot # network: config: disabled -----END user-data SAMPLE------ To build seed.iso from user-data and meta-data files: $ genisoimage -output seed.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data